Plumbing Repairs in Leeds

David Parr – Plumbing Repairs

The challenge

With a number of annoying plumbing problems throughout his family home, David wanted reliable advice and guidance on the best way forward.

The solution

Repairs to existing plumbing systems can create a number of problems, making the engineer’s job far more challenging than simply installing a complete new system. However, where repairs can be safely and effectively executed, they are usually much less costly for the customer than new replacements. Core Plumbing therefore made extensive initial checks on the existing plumbing system in order to make repairs and (where essential) install new fittings that would work seamlessly and efficiently together.

David and his family now have a problem-free plumbing system with new upgrades such as radiators, taps and a shower screen, all professionally fitted with minimum disruption to family life.


Thanks for completing a good set of jobs. I'm happy to recommend Core Plumbing to others!

David Parr
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